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Honest and Dishonest

Gregorios Xenopoulos

Are there honest and dishonest people? Can a conventionally honest man be dishonest, and can a conventionally dishonest man be honest? What is honesty and what is dishonesty? Demos Spathis, the son of a Zakynthian merchant, dreams of escaping the family business for which his father intended him, and enters the School of Naval Cadets. The acquaintance and mutual love between him and Angela, the daughter of a Trikupian MP, gives rise to optimism and dreams for the future, but these are inevitably interrupted. The love story turns into a case of revenge and a never-ending chase. A man, who in his youth was sure that honesty and an attractive outward appearance were enough, is finally proved wrong. Death, defeated enfranchisement and crush lead him to the realization that no social position or profession defines a man as honest or dishonest. Man is honest or dishonest by virtue of his character alone. Against the backdrop of Athens at the end of the 19th century, Xenopoulos creates a story that is capable of moving, but also of puzzling even today's readers. He reflects on the social injustices of the powerful against the weak, which are repeated to this day in almost the same way. 


The book is available at the Library; Call. Nο.889.332 Ξεν [in Greek].

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